2013-1 TimingManager: Animation Sequences in JavaScript
The TimingManager library is a tool written in JavaScript used to apply animations in a web browser. It is not concerned with creation or modification …
The TimingManager library is a tool written in JavaScript used to apply animations in a web browser. It is not concerned with creation or modification …
Statistical plots drawn with the ggplot2 package generate numerous grid grobs and viewports which are labelled and organised into a coherent hierarchy. This report describes …
This report describes the animaker package for generating descriptions of animation sequences. An animation sequence is composed by combining atomic animations in series to create …
The selectr package translates a CSS selector into an equivalent XPath expression. This allows the use of CSS selectors to query XML documents using the …
New hook functions, makeContext() and makeContent(), have been added to the grid graphics package. These functions allow an alternative approach to developing custom grobs when …
Genome-wide assocation studies have often been carried out by meta-analysis rather than by pooling individual-level data. For one-dimensional parameter estimates and the corresponding tests of …
The gridSVG package exports grid images to an SVG format for viewing on the web. This article describes a new development in the way that …
The gridSVG package exports grid images to an SVG format for viewing on the web. This article describes new features in gridSVG that allow grid …
A Voronoi Treemap is a visualisation tool for displaying data with a hierarchical structure. This article describes an open source implementation of Voronoi Treemaps in …
Rank tests are widely used for exploratory and formal inference in the health and social sciences. With the increasing use of data from complex survey …